Articles by George F. Howe and other guest articles plus other Authors,
Don Hiers, Joel Herndon, and More
Further Writings By
George F. Howe
“Christ Saves
All,” a Book by George F. Howe,
The book “Christ Saves All,” has a wrap-around cover by Ross
Marshall illustrating the validity of John 12:32, which Christ said, “..when I am lifted up from the face of the earth, I will be
drawing all people unto Myself.” It can
be ordered via by entering “Christ
Saves All George F. Howe” on Google ($5.95.) The book begins with a prologue containing,
among other things, answers to many of the questions raised by people when they
consider TURA (The Ultimate Reconciliation of All).
In the main section of the book are careful discussions of
about 140 Old and New Testament Bible passages supporting TURA. The Bible
sections have been translated literally and interpreted faithfully to display
their real meaning.
CSA also has a list covering 14 of the many helpful web sites
dealing with Bible-based Christian universalism. There is another list of 56
books (new and old) providing support for evangelical universalism; all of
these can be purchased on-line. There is a final section about the author, George
F. Howe, Ph. D.
Articles by
George F. Howe, Don Heirs, Joel Herndon and others.
Articles “by George!”
Job Chapter 14 and the Ultimate Future
Reconciliation As
Described By Paul
Pray a Prayer that Always Gets
Affirmative Answer
Various short guest articles by Don Hiers
The teachings of Saint Gregory
complied by Joel Herndon
God's Miracle
Written by Mary Evan Giles, at age 11
Earth is a wonderful place. With many places to go, sights to see, and people
to meet, with flowers blooming, and birds chirping all of the time. You might
think that there are some bad places but really that's not true. Because, God
created it! He Himself made this miracle. Those things that are man-made are
made by God too. Because, He created the men that made the
man-made things on this earth. If it weren't for Him we wouldn't be here
today, rejoicing in His miracle, God's miracle!"
Recommended books and writings
My brother-in-Christ, Travis Ogletree has written “Thesis
on the Eons”. I recommend it to those of you who wish to study God’s
plan for the ages. You may contact Travis at
If you wish to
study Reconciliation in depth, I recommend “Is
God Fair? What about Gandhi?” by
Michael Riley and James William. You may order it from the AuthorHouse
Bookstore. Click here!
Don Hiers, a long-time friend of mine wrote this for Veterans
Day. It is up now to honor all veterans
year round!
Day...a thought for the day....
America is not
at war. The U.S. Military is at war! America is at the mall; at a ball
game; at the beach; at the county fair; at the country club. Thousands upon thousands
of America's fighting men have paid the price for our freedom; for our jobs;
for our leisure time.
Pray for our military and thank a veteran.”
Bruce Shelley: A
Historian for the People
Saturday, February 20, 2010,
Dr. Bruce Shelly died following a massive stroke on the 16th. Bruce
was a retired Professor of History at the Denver Seminary. Many thought of Bruce as a colleague or
Professor, but he was my cousin, part of my family both physical and spiritual.
This link will take you to a
touching tribute to the life and work of Bruce Shelly written by Dr. Scott Wenig!