Led by the Spirit???
As I watched TV, the glib “church
pastor” joyfully introduced Barak Hussein Obama.
So, what was the problem? Why did I use all lower case letters in
“church” and “pastor”?
Barak Obama is, by his own admission,
a Marxist, and therefore he is an Atheist! But, here was a group of people
pretending to represent Christ Jesus while cheering a man who hates our Lord
and Savior! They are spiritual deviants!
Obama is Marxist anti-Christian,
and that so-called church in Chicago that he attended for close to 20 years is
nothing more than a Marxist-Communist enclave pretending to be a church. At that “church” they teach James Cone’s
Marxists Black Liberation Theology instead of Christianity!
Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God,
they are the sons of God.
Holy Spirit has never led any person to support an Atheist-Marxist!
Therefore, the supposed christian pastor who gleefully
introduced Barak Obama, and possibly his entire “flock” are also just as anti-Christian
as Obama is!
Many are upset at the use of
Obama’s middle name, Hussein, because they feel that his middle name is Arab
and therefore Muslim. That opinion is
based in ignorance!
Obama’s first name “Barak” was
the name of Muhammad’s horse that supposedly carried him to heaven. That is
right! His mama named Barak Obama after a horse! “Barak” is Arabic for
Many Arabian Christians are named
Hussein. That name is not a sign of
Since he took office, Obama has
appointed several followers of Mao Tse Tung as
“Czars” in his administration! One of
his Czars has openly admitted the belief that “Power comes from the barrel of a
gun.” That comes from Chairman Mao’s
Little Red Book!
Christian cane support Atheism! Marxism is Atheistic! Obama said openly
that when he went to College, he sought counsel from Marxist Professors!
2 Cor 6:14 what fellowship hath righteousness
with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
Barak Obama and his band of
Marxist, Maoist, and Communist Czars are just a symptom of the spiritual
decline of America!
If you worship Obama, I urge you
to come to Christ! Stop worshipping a false messiah, and come to the real
Messiah, Christ Jesus!