Symphonic Christianity
Many people do not appreciate symphonic music. My personal favorite is the Great Gate at
Kiev from Mussorgsky’s
Pictures at an exhibition!
Most Christians favor a funky little five piece band
(very small and limited in sound), but God is creating a symphony orchestra!
Within the symphony, Trumpets do not attempt to play
the bassoon part! The symphony works correctly only when each individual
instrument plays the assigned part!
The musicians do not choose their own key, tempo,
chord progression, beginning, or conclusion!
The symphony plays according to the direction of the
Conductor! Our Conductor is Christ Jesus!
Even that five piece band must play the same musical
work in the same key and tempo!
Unfortunately, what is socially perceived today as
the Church does not play the same tune in the same key and tempo at the same
time! Far too many (within what is socially presented as the Church) have
attempted to usurp the Conductor’s position in order to establish their own
personal kingdom! Talk about futility! The Concertmaster may be a nice person,
but he/she is not the conductor!
Have you ever tried to make a silk purse out of a
sow’s ear? You would have the same result it you tried to make a Church out of a church! However, when it comes
to making a saint out of a sinner, God does that each and every day! While your
efforts may be futile, His never are!
To all you spiritual musicians, I offer this advice!
Learn to read music, the Bible! There is a huge difference between an E and an
E flat! Learn to play in tempo! If you insist on playing in 4/4 time, while the
rest of the orchestra plays in ¾, there will be confusion!
Cor 14:33 For God is not the author of
confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
Years ago, I caused a commotion when
I asked a local band conductor for a play if the members of band would tune
their instruments before playing before the performance! They took that simple
request as an insult. The fact is that the most beautiful sonata played by the
most accomplished pianist on the most exquisite, but out of tune piano will
sound out of tune!
God always tunes up before the
symphony begins! In fact, He is in the process of tuning mankind before the
Conductor steps back on the universal stage to begin the concert!
Play in tempo, in time, and always
keep your eyes on the Conductor, our lord Christ Jesus!