Bible Study Net Links
We must pray
for our brothers and sisters serving Christ in Muslim nations. They are facing very difficult times for the
sake of Christ Jesus, our Lord.
Ken Allen's home page
Ken's site contains writings on Christ based Universal Christianity plus
one of the larger, most inclusive Links pages on the Internet.
Biblical Restoration of Research
Foundation/Restore all Things
Jim Strahan
& Mike Meeker’s
work on the site is very important. The work “is God Fair?” should be read
by every Christian.
Callie Self Memorial Baptist Church
This is a loving local southern Baptist Church in
Greenwood, SC led by Pastor Dustin Sims.
Catch The Fire Ministries
Pastor Daniel Nalliah
has faced Satan and his reliance on Christ has been strengthened! Australia is
a stronger nation due to this Christian Pastor’s trust in Christ Jesus! One can
make a difference if that One is Christ Jesus!
Christian Study Homepage
If you prefer to read in Chinese this may be the study site for you. There are
many study resources available on this site.
This Hong Kong based site is an excellent source for those who want to study in
the Chinese Language.
Codger’s Cogitations
Dr Lane Lester’s Blog “reflections on
Life and Faith” takes many turns. On his blog he offers a free ebook, “Reasons to Affirm a Young
Doha Brethren Assembly
Doha Brethren Assembly (DBA) was formed more than
three decades ago by a group of brothers who were eager to worship the Lord in
Spirit and in Truth, according to the Biblical doctrines held very dear by the brethren community.
Cornerstone University
Comprehensive programs of study leading to a Bachelors,
Master's or Doctorate in one of the following fields; Religious Education,
Ministry, Theology, Church Administration, Christian Counseling, and
Psychology. Quality education
doesn't cost, it pays! Our sole desire is to assist you in reaching your
spiritual and educational potential. We do so in a way that meets both
professional and academic standards.
Evolution Flunks Botany
George F. Howe and Mark H. Armitage
are two botanists who are critical of all evolution theories and they think
instead that Bible creation passages are scientifically accurate. Precise
botanical details in science demonstrate God’s craftsmanship and show the
various shortcomings of neo-Darwinian macroevolutionism.
Faith Home
A Christian Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Facility in Greenwood, SC that is
remarkable in its presentation of Christ to the addicted.
First Baptist Church of Olivehurst
The first Baptist Church of Olivehurst, Ca is a
lighthouse to the community! Pastor
Miguel Jurna is a true Preacher of the Gospel!
Manna from the Throne of Grace
Kenneth & Dale Greatorex
offer the Good
News of God’s positive message of grace.
God Saves All
George F. Howe’s new site. It features articles on reconciliation, Plus
George’s reconciliation hymns, sheet music, and MP3 audio (Jacob Merrill,
arranger). Music is a vital part of Christian worship.
Good Seed Publications
Terry & Tykie
Crisp are
not affiliated with any denomination, nor are they ambitious to acquire a
following of their own. They are simply members of the body of Christ, who love
the Lord, and who love the fellowship of His people!
Grace Evangel Fellowship
Bob and Jill Evely’s Church fellowship in Wilmore,
He Sets Free
This is an important link to Muslims seeking the Truth
about Christ Jesus.
Highland Baptist Church
1301 North Banks---Pampa, Texas 79065
The people at Highland strive to be a family that will gladly welcome you when
you walk through the doors.
New Testament Ministries-Unlimited
An international ministry believing in the whole Bible as the Word of God and
preach the old-fashioned Gospel without addition or modification.
Net Ministries
a wonderful mainstream Protestant resource!
Pakistan New Hope
The PNHD (Pakistan New Hope Denomination) has eight churches with 1,200 members
and a theological institute in Pakistan, planting Churches and training
Pastors-to-be for the new established churches and for the future mission
ministry to mid-east region.
Palestinian Media
This Web Site points to the anti-Israeli stance of many News sources and the
truth about the Israeli-Muslim conflict! I suggest that you first visit the
section about “rewriting history.”
Preach Him
Dr. Jim McCullen's site is perhaps the finest
of its kind. Dr. Jim offers sermons, and links to several Bible Commentaries.
Clyde Pilkington, Jr has put
together an interesting assortment of articles by several authors.
Reconciliation Bible
George H. Howe is not only a
Creation Scientist he is also a writer of songs. He now brings us the scores for those of you
looking for Bible Songs to use in Church and Bible study groups.
Salvation For
An Iran and Afghan language site for Muslims seeking to Study the Truth, Jesus Christ is
Gary and Michelle Amirault’s site is filled with
reconciliation teaching aids and Christian historical reference material
including Gary’s video series.
The Bible For
Dr. Manford George Gutzke’s
Plain talk about Bible truth for everyday living.
Victory Pentecostal Church
Pastor David Achesa
at Victory Pentecostal Church in Nairobi, Kenya teaches the basics of victory
in Christ Jesus.
Wielding the Sword of the
Matthew McGee’s teachings on grace.
May God bless your studies of
*My personal favorite
Heart of God Ministries International
Jewish Messianic Links
Many think that Christian Zionism
is false. Is it wrong to believe that Gentile Christians have been grafted into
the Vine While Israeli Christians have been kept in the Vine? All who are
Christ’s have their place in the New Heaven and the New Earth! We have a new
home in the New Jerusalem!
Is it wrong to believe that
Jews should have a homeland?
Absolutely not!
Many years ago, I was a
professional student. During a
mega-chemistry class at the
I barely passed his
class! He was a good Professor, but I
was a very poor student!
In espousing evolution, those
that hold to that “theory” deny science.
Evolution is a theory. The laws
of biogenesis and thermodynamics are not theories. They are “laws”!
The Law of Biogenesis states that life arises only from life.
The second Law of
thermodynamics concerns entropy. In
essence, it states that if left alone all natural systems run down, useable
energy converts to unusable energy
Evolution states that things
go from simple to complex. The laws
governing the universe state that things go from complex to simple. Therefore evolution denies science.
Things run down! Entropy is
entropy! Aside from that many facts defy evolution. If evolution was an ongoing
process we could see it working today, but we cannot! Evolution is a flawed
is my opinion that all evolution scientists are frauds, and not
worthy of the title scientist. Many of
them lie to their students because they have a vested interest in the continued
teaching of the flawed evolutionary theory.
Their jobs and prestige demand that they lie to their students. The rest are too ignorant to admit the
truth. That may seem harsh, but
something must be done to bring an end to the teaching of a lie!
I watched a program featuring a debate on creation v. evolution, it dawned on
me that at the heart of the teaching of evolution is admitted ignorance. All teachers of evolution must first admit
that they are ignorant! They have placed
their faith in their personal ignorance.
They are paid by so-called institutions of “higher” learning based on
the extent of their ignorance. Faith in
ignorance is a wonder.
For those of you who wish to
further your studies of creation, I highly recommend the Sites listed below.
Evolution Flunks Botany
George F. Howe and Mark H. Armitage are two botanists who are critical of all
evolution theories and they think instead that Bible creation passages are
scientifically accurate. Precise botanical details in science demonstrate God’s
craftsmanship and show the various shortcomings of neo-Darwinian macroevolutionism.
Creation Ministries International
Creation Research, Science Education